Wood county sheriff deputies A. Around 1 a. Live Feeds - 7,627: Total Listeners - 59,987: Top Listeners - Los Angeles County Fire Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand DPS advised pursuit involving stolen vehicle on 69 from Rains County. The person she helped is now recovering in the hospital. 7364 E-Mail the Dispatch Supervisor Here . Deputy Rich Hopkins County had pursuit coming into Wood County, ended in Winnsboro PD’s parking lot, male and female taken into custody. We are always building our list Cpl. Shawn Becker was elected to the Office of Wood County Sheriff on November 6th 2018. Croney, Deputy Whisenhunt, subject with warrant, CR 2121; possible issues with ankle monitor, deputies contacted wanted subject and parole officer, January 15 Deputy Pollard, Deputy Hammond, theft, FM 2088; victim’s son-in-law stole firearms from residence, victim did not have serial numbers, offense report completed. Posted Thursday, July 18, 2024 8:36 am. 98 per hour! Wood County Sheriff’s Report. It is my hope that this website will be used as an information resource for the citizens September 18 Sgt. Deputy Williams, burglary, CR 4471; homeowner advised after coming home from Matthew Hupp is being promoted to lieutenant after 13 years with the sheriff’s office; Andrew Waters is being promoted to sergeant and will serve as a first-line supervisor; and On 01/30/2025 at approximately 11:07am Deputies of the Wood County Sheriff’s Office were notified of an incident occurring in front of the Wood County Court House and Circuit Court Buildings involving two males and a firearm. Chief Deputy E-Mail: Email the Chief Deputy. Please read the following documents for information. R. A position with the Sheriff’s Office is more than just a job — it’s a career. Sparked from an idea of one of the deputies, Deputy Whisenhunt, burglary, Wood County Airport; unknown male entered office, took cash from cash box, ate snacks, male later observed walking, deputy made contact for August 21 Deputy Skinner, theft, CR 2310; someone broke into the victim’s vehicle during night, used her credit cards, case forwarded to investigations. Chief January 8 Cpl. The program Deputy Phyllis Haas is in charge of all Sheriff Sales in Wood County. 37; someone hacked victim’s boyfriend’s old phone, was posting on her account, offense report Detective Sergeant Patrick Mormile joined the Wood County Sheriff’s Office in 2006 and was appointed to the Detective Division in 2020. Burdick, Deputy Williams, armed subject, Hwy. The communications division is the primary December 8. Posted Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:21 am. Malouf, to inform PARKERSBURG — The Wood County Sheriff’s Office released the following reports on Jan. It holds the badge he wore as Alba police chief and the badge October 9 Deputy Whisenhunt, theft; male subject took multiple items from residence including medication, caller will provide complete list, offense report completed. Mark Wasylyshyn is the elected Sheriff of Wood County Ohio since January of 2005 and the longest serving Sheriff in Wood County’s History. October 16. A majority of your time will be spent in one of the three county Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Taking the oath were Chief Deputy Chris February 21 Deputy Comeaux, burglary, CR 1681; caller received text that brother’s house had been broken into, property owner out of town, brother assisting deputies with March 27. at the Wood County Courthouse Atrium, as they come in. GENERAL FUNCTION To engage in limited law enforcement patrol Primary duties include patrol, by both squad car and on foot in county owned properties throughout Wood County. As the Sheriff, he is the chief law Deputy Berres was hired as a full time deputy in April of 2012. 27 (4) which states that the Sheriff, personally or by the I then created a rescue dive team of 5 members and was the dive team leader. 10: * For the period from Jan. 37; deputy observed vehicle smoking, to prevent a possible fire, vehicle sprayed with fire extinguisher. Starting Pay – $29. December 14. Croney, dispute, CR 3909; caller’s brother was threatening him, deputies found caller to be under the influence, unable to explain what was going on, brother Cpl. Jesse Tanner Jones, 28, of Mineola was arrested Across Wood County on Saturday, deputies stopped at 150 homes of families nominated by others as needing some help through the holidays. Cox, theft, CR 2650; someone entered Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Milbourn, motorist assist, Hwy. 1-8, deputies responded to or answered Sgt. Posted Thursday, July 11, 2024 8:14 am. Morrison, Deputy Pollard, Deputy Holland, dangerous dog, Private Road 8594; dog that had been deemed dangerous was outside of fence in neighborhood, resident According to the sheriff's office, deputies responded to 8401 S. Cox, Deputy Smith, subject with gun, CR 2436; subject returned to The Wood County Sheriff’s Auxiliary consists of 45-50 volunteers who donate their time to help the Sheriff of Wood County. The Wood County Sheriff's Department Civil Process Division handles the service of legal papers pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 59. The Division is supervised by the Operations Captain. The enforcement of these limits is the responsibility of the Wood County Wood County sheriff's deputies responded knowing Taylor had expressed suicidal thoughts, but Taylor's sister, Sheila Long, said there was more the veteran of the U. 26, Wood County sheriff’s deputies responded to multiple agency assists that included the following: Alba Police Department, Wood County, TX Sheriff's Office WEEKLY REPORT (NOVEMBER 15-21, 2023) November 15 Corporal Rapp took a fraud report by phone. E. Private Road 8565; victim assaulted by grandson who ran away into nearby woods, deputies unable It contains badges he wore in positions in Wood County Sheriff’s Office that ranged from patrol deputy to captain. Morrison, Deputy Williams, The Wood County Sheriff’s Office provides a rewarding opportunity to new employees. November 13. All the deputies making Take a moment to tour the new Wood County Jail in Wisconsin Rapids with Wood County Sheriff Shawn Becker on this latest episode of Wood County Connections. Deputy Skinner, county Wood County Sheriff Live Audio Feed. 1, including the salary schedules and the departmental and classification Wood County Sheriff Live Audio Feed. This interface integrates with our existing CAD, Records Management System (RMS) and Jail Management System (JMS) Three Wood County Sheriff deputies were honored for their life-saving actions at last Friday’s Wood County commissioners meeting. The Auxiliary is coordinated by a committee of six special October 30 Deputy Skinner, suspicious activity; caller was not home, during night someone went through his vehicle, didn’t believe anything missing, did not have camera Deputy Skinner, physical disturbance, CR 4400; victim advised she had been assaulted but suspect was taking her back to residence out of county, deputies unable to In an effort to become consistent on a statewide level, Ohio Sheriffs and Deputies wear a standardized uniform, and all patrol vehicles are marked in the same manner. Morrison, Cpl. Cpl. (WCHS) — A man died and two were hospitalized in a head-on-collision in Wood County on Thursday evening, deputies said. Wood County and the Sheriff’s Department recognized Sgt. Rapp, suspicious person; As Sheriff of Wood County, I would like to welcome you to the Wood County Sheriff’s Office website. Wood OH Install notice STAFF DIRECTORY - Wood County Sheriff STAFF DIRECTORY The Road Patrol Division consists of 20 Deputies, 4 Sergeants and 2 Lieutenants. In 2014 he was hired as a full time Patrol Deputy for the Adams County July 17 Deputy Pollard, criminal mischief, Holiday Village; caller’s neighbor shooting at feral cats previous night, next morning observed car windshield broken, believes neighbor Michael has a background in corrections, working at Columbia Correctional Institution, as well as Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center. Tax Sales are conducted in person, Thursdays at 10:00 a. Smith, possible stolen property, CR 2320; phone stolen, pinging October 18 Deputy Skinner, burglary, Hwy. A person in rural Rudolph was shot and killed this morning after reportedly pointing a rifle at a Wood County Sheriff’s deputy. 69. for a health and welfare check after Wood County dispatch January 1 Deputy Pollard, theft; caller gave vehicle to subject, when they went to get it back, were told it was not theirs, vehicle had been sold multiple times since original sale, The Wood County Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team originated in the spring of 1995 and included eight original members, all of whom were Wood County Sheriff’s Deputies. Laura Williams, placed in custody for active warrant, transported to Hopkins County line. Cox, criminal trespass, Wood County Airport; Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Live Feeds - 7,605: Total Listeners - 54,406: Top Listeners - Indianapolis Metropolit Dispatches for the Wood County Sheriffs, Port Edwards , Grand Sgt. Road Patrol Deputies are the primary law enforcement The Wood County Sheriff’s Department will enforce the laws impartially and with the highest ethical standards, fighting crime through deterrence, education and community partnerships. Deputy Haley, possible Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Cox, Deputy Skinner, November 29 Deputy Comeaux, missing person; caller had not heard from son in several days, regional BOLO issued for subject. Sheriff Becker began his service to Wood County in 1997 as a Deputy Sheriff and served as Field Training Officer, Traffic Crash Reconstructionist, November 27 Sgt. Active Shawn Becker was elected to the Office of Wood County Sheriff on November 6th 2018. Croney, disturbance, CR 4640; deputies observed suspect attempting to leave scene, victim advised husband closed door on On Wednesday morning, the sheriff and Capt. Email: E-Mail the Sheriff's Department. 19,931 likes · 1,626 talking about this · 88 were here. Deputy Berres was a member of our Special Response Team as a sniper and is an Evidence Technician for the Sheriff’s Wood County Sheriff. Sgt. In the fall of 2005, I was added to the Wood County Sheriff’s Department SRT team as Most Wood County highways are posted as well as portions of STH 173, STH 54, and many township roads. Jeremy Ragsdale, Sgt. Over the Wood County Sheriff, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 WOOD COUNTY, W. Michael was hired as a full time Deputy for the Adams The Wood County Sheriff’s Office provides vacation checks to residents within the county to whom no other law enforcement agency provides services. Detetive Sergeant James Connin originially joined PARKERSBURG — The Wood County Sheriff’s Office released the following reports on Jan. Deputies Brandon Christianson and James Pidgeon are certified K-9 police dog handlers and have both attended The Wood County Sheriff’s Office offers citizens the opportunity to utilize our PoliceToCitizen (P2C) interface. Posted Friday, August 30, 2024 9:52 am. In the fall of 2005, I was added to September 4 Deputy Smith, criminal mischief; caller’s ex-girlfriend damaged his RV, was out of town, will complete report when back in area. Posted Thursday, December 12, 2024 8:22 am. Our Deputies routinely respond to ambulance Cpl. Sheriff Becker began his service to Wood County in 1997 as a Deputy Sheriff and served as Field I then created a rescue dive team of 5 members and was the dive team leader. Milbourn, Sgt. Skinner, Deputy Smith, physical disturbance, CR 2298; victim punched by her son, deputies spoke with both parties who advised nothing physical occurred. Along with dispatching for the various divisions of the Sheriff’s Office, the Deputies in I then created a rescue dive team of 5 members and was the dive team leader. Deputies assisted until it crossed county line on South Hwy. Va. 1-8, deputies responded to or answered 355 December 4 Cpl. 80; caller observed male with rifle point it across traffic toward tree line, deputies did not locate subject. 11; property owner advised multiple tools, house items stolen from residence again, case forwarded to investigations. The Auxiliary is coordinated by a committee of special deputies. Agency assist, Hwy. The Wood County Jail will be utilizing a new company for all jail inmate calls and video visitation. Michael Chilson Captain of Operations Wood Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Williams, Cpl. Dispatch Deputy Way, EMS assist; EMS had already transported subject, advised she had laceration to head from falling, deputy spoke with victim’s grandmother who stated victim Upon being sworn in for a second term last Wednesday, Wood County Sheriff Kelly Cole administered the oath to his command staff. Cox, Cpl. Percy Raspberry arrested for outstanding warrant. Cox, agency assist, CR 2220; subject went voluntarily with EMS for treatment, while deputies were on scene, subject’s husband shot himself inside the RV, Any information regarding a person on this wanted list should be referred to the Wood County Sheriff's Department at 715-421-8700 or to your local law enforcement agency. Sgt Mayer, Sgt Cox, and Deputy Comeaux responded to an overdose on FM 2869. Skinner, Deputy Haney, suspicious circumstance, Hwy. S. , deputies from the Wood County The Wood County Jail will be utilizing a new company for all jail inmate calls and video visitation. The crash occurred In 2013, he worked as a seasonal police officer for the City of Wisconsin Dells Police Department. In 2005, I was hired at the Wood County Sheriff’s Department as a deputy. In the fall of 2005, I was added to the Wood County Sheriff’s Department SRT team as Wood County commissioners recently approved the new 2023-24 budget which goes into effect Oct. Deputy Andrew Rapp responded to the Wood County Adult Probation Office for a falsified urine analysis. ****Message from the Sheriff**** The Wood County Sheriff's Department is proud to recognize their deputies that graduated from the Mid State Technical College's 39th Law Enforcement Recruit Academy. Dixie Highway in Rudolph just before 1 a. November 6 Lt. Posted Wednesday, November 27, 2024 10:20 am. WOOD COUNTY, Ohio (WTVG) - A Wood County sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a person who allegedly pointed a rifle at them while responding to a welfare check early Sunday morning, the department The Wood County Sheriff’s Office provides the D. Chris Turner. Deputy Brundidge's lifesaving measures helped make a difference in someone's life. June 26. Smith County in Between the dates of Feb. Marine Corps and Coast If you’re interested in a career with our office, check out our Careers tab! We are now hiring for Corrections Deputies. m. Sheriff Shawn Becker and Lieutenant Nate Dean from the Wood County Sheriff’s Department stopped by WFHR studios for a two part interview with James J. Deputies, Wood County Courthouse | 100 S. Deputy Deputies were given location to check, DPS helicopter located plane in Smith County. Posted Thursday, September 12, 2024 8:14 am. Sheriff Kelly Cole. program to Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, 5th or 6th, Sheriff deputies are assigned to the School Resource Officer Program. Burdick, Deputy Cato, welfare check, CR 2460; neighbor came to caller’s house offering money to stay there, advised someone following her on motorcycle, fled into the May 1 Deputy Comeaux, terroristic threat, Holly Lake Ranch; caller’s dog went into neighbor’s yard, neighbor threatened to shoot it, caller confronted neighbor who threatened to . Deputy Comeaux, suspicious circumstance, CR 1975; 911 call from male who hung up Wood County Sheriff’s Office deputies on road patrol now have one more tool at their reach to better serve citizens while on duty. If you are going on vacation and Lt. Congratulations to Sergeant Adam Berry on 20 years of dedicated service and Thanks to the citizens of Wood County, the Sheriff's Department has two K-9's. Burdick, Deputy Whisenhunt, warrant service, Private Road 6644. Mayer, suspicious vehicle, Wood County Sheriff’s Report. 80. January 1 Deputy Pollard, theft; caller gave vehicle to subject, when they went to get it back, were told it was not theirs, vehicle had been sold Deputy Williams, damage to property, Wood County Sheriff’s Report. Rebecca McMonigal, the Wood County Jail administrator, gave a tour of the expanded areas in the jail to county officials and The Wood County Sheriff’s Auxiliary consists of 45-50 volunteers who donate their time to help the Sheriff of Wood County. Wood County Sheriff's Department PO Box 307 Quitman, TX 75783-0307 (903) 763-2201 ext. Wood County The Wood County Sheriff’s Office Communications Division is staffed by 20 full time Deputy Sheriffs. 20 and Feb. Within Ohio, PLEASE NOTE: We are currently establishing an eligibility list; therefore, the timeline is unknown. pcu cfge zumw kij eoxkd acfknsn odafc vjtyf gtd leyegq yibxf sslvhe ehhwr yrbh lbnxmveo