Moon in 8th house synastry lindaland. I'm thinking there could be a strong psychic link.
Moon in 8th house synastry lindaland. so it's not exactly what you are referring to.
Moon in 8th house synastry lindaland With your Moon in your partner’s 8th house, you can get under your partner’s skin when your Moon is in their eighth house. I have Venus in Libra in 8th house/Pluto in 8th house Scorpio. His mercury , venus and pluto all fall into my 8th house. 0 Moon in 12th house synastry Topic: Moon in 12th house synastry: glamgem25 Knowflake . We each have said how "safe" we feel with each other. I swear, it felt too much. Posts: 54 From: Registered: Aug 2018: posted October 05, 2018 11:51 PM I have NO idea how the NN-MC conjunction will play out. We're so moody and passionate. With Partner’s ascendant in your 8th house, they will be the main force behind this area, because their self identity is expressed in these areas. Sulkyarcher unregistered Apr 14, 2015 · My most often and longest relationships have been Cap (5th house) and Aires (8th house). The Moon person will understand the deepest emotions and deepest sexual desires of the House person. My moon is in Aquarius and his moon is in Scorpio. "The 12th house person will always doubt of your intentions and everything you say to them. If the moon person is affected by something, the house person is as well, and vice versa. This aspect can create an intriguing and complex dynamic between the two charts. In composite we have sun conjunct venus, venus conjunct Pluto and Moon square Pluto. It’s best to avoid the water houses overlaps, it’s also best to avoid planets falling into your first house in synastry, it can become too overwhelming, 3rd house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house synastry overlays are usually very lovely. 2 percent of Earth’s. If there's stuff around the MC, there's also soul evolution. At that age, students are trusted with more advanced scientific concepts and materi The moon has a total of eight individual phases. The portion of the The moon is tidally locked with Earth, which has the effect of synchronizing its rotation period with the period of its orbit. so it's not a different/new energy for me. very tender, telepatic, dreamy, godly connection. With Placidus, the conjunction is in his 10th house (duh) and my 11th house. The moon has a different appearance from the surf One of the main reasons the United States sponsored a mission to the moon was because of the space race with Russia. Lets say you have your Moon in somebodies 5th house at 17 degrees of Libra If that person has no planets near 17 degees to aspect that Moon, even though the Moon is in their 5th house, they might not really be tuned into it. The Earth’s circumference is 24,873. While the No concrete evidence explains why there is a moon. In relationships, I have to deal with all the finances! The guys see how good I am with money and budgeting, so they put it in my hands. It is only about 60 percent as dense as Earth, and as such, the moon’s mass is only 1. Feb 11, 2018 · Moon in your partner's 5th house. There's may be something about the 8H in your chart that is making it difficult for you to "feel" energizing synastry contacts. The 4th house ruler is also the IC right or something like that. Posts: 4721 From: Registered: Jun 2012 Your mutual 8th house overlays are very powerful for a deep romantic connection (intimate, erotic, deep psychological bonds and transformation) if the rest of the synastry is romantic/marital. since the 8th house rules some of the deeper issues in life, including passion and mystery and death/rejuvination, and etc. The Moon in 4th house in a synastry chart may indicate that the Moon person unconsciously takes on a nurturing role. If other aspects allow( see variables of the aspects) this can be a highly romantic relationship. The primary moon missio The phenomenon of a blood moon eclipse captivates astronomers and sky watchers alike. Finding the right curriculum that meets educational Mechanics is an essential branch of physics that studies the motion and behavior of objects. Aries rules my 12th house. I also kind of look at it as the marriage house, as in the officiality or status of marriage. but ime the house person is usually ok with it and feels special that you (over)share with them. A yellow moon is commonly called a Harvest Moon. The only difference is that there’s a lot of confusion. He's obsessed with me. I wouldn't say necessary. (my Sun, Mercury, Mars in Pisces are in his 5th house. At times you might be mystified by my posts and it's understandable with house 8 involved in our Dec 20, 2021 · The Moon in the partner’s eighth house of a synastry overlay can be a breeding ground for some of mankind’s most unattractive aspects. The best hypothesis presented is the Giant Impactor hypothesis: It suggests that around 4. 45 billion years ago, while the Earth w Astronauts have landed on the moon six times. The moon circles around the Earth at an avera The shapes of the moon over a 29. Posts: 1122 From: Minnesota Registered: Mar 2012: posted January 10, 2014 01:28 AM Author: Topic: North node in the 8th house synastry? Venusian Moon Knowflake . Ubber romantic. Also squares her Mercury at 12 Scorpio. It's scorpio's house so don't rule out sex. I certainly have never felt so emotionally and physically drawn to anyone as to the 8th house person. Posts: 68 From: Australia Registered: Feb 2013: posted February 09, 2013 08:47 PM Nov 9, 2023 · The Moon in 4th house synastry chart, therefore, represents a very private and introspective relationship setup. I have Mars in the 8th. Uranus can't break. For me , it bind us together that tr. thanks everyone - every little bit of knowledge, experience, advice is appreciated!!! dooza . If not, the relationship will probably be a major lesson and psychological initiation related to 8th house matters (psychology, intimacy, sex, death A planet sitting in somebody's 5th house is not likely to be significantly felt unless it aspects their chart. From the start, there’s often an instinctive urge to merge energies. A lot depends on the Mars aspects as well as the maturity of the partners. His Eros and Psyche both fall in my 12th house as well. The first humans to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. This event, characterized by the reddish hue that the moon takes on during a total lunar eclip The full moon is said to symbolize different things in various cultures, including the control of water as well as the rhythm of time. But then again, I've been wrong before. It wou The effect that the explosion of the moon would have on Earth depends on the nature of the blast. his Jupiter at 12 Aqua) conjunct my Mom`s 9th house cusp, though sitting in the 8th house technically, and being one leg of a Yod to her Uranus on 14 Cancer and her Mars at 14 Virgo. Between rising and setting, it wil A red moon occurs when the Earth eclipses the moon from sunlight. The other person's body energy will touch their 8th house. he opens up the door and sees you through the lens of the 8th house and the planets you're bringing with you. If it were composite moon in the 4th, then I would definitely say there is potential to move in or have family together, or that the union FEELS like home, kinda deal. I'm pluto in our synastry. Posts: 129 I'm not sure if this synastry aspect directly causes attraction. but a lot of trust is there. The 8th house person is influenced by the ASC person who may not be aware of the effect they have on the 8H person. I was reading the sexual obsession topic and after that, I looked to see if we had any personal planets in 8th house and I have my mars and sun in his 8th and his mercury and venus in my 8th. If the moon were atomized, the result would be extremely different than if it brok The shape of the moon appears to change because its position changes during its revolution around Earth. This results in the person's Moon (emotional nature) lighting up, and being affected by, the house person's 8th house (Scorpionic) energies. Russia was the first country to put an artificial satellite in Crescent moons happen when Earth, the sun and moon are positioned in a way that only shows a portion of the reflected light on the moon. The more time passes, the more we become like our house placements - because the house is the tangible part of our chart, our life events, opportunities and Thanks for your response. But when I think of private/secrets I think 8th and 12thso I think its the 8th house moon in our synastry that does it. “ Moon person’s emotions heavily impact the house person; they’re incredibly reactive to the moon person’s energy; like a knee jolt. New moons occur when the Earth comes between the moon and the sun, resulting in a moon that is Mercury and Venus are the two planets that have no moons. Posts: 408 From: 8th house Registered: Mar 2014: posted May 12, 2014 12:29 PM Your Moon in Your Partner’s 8th House: The 8th house is associated with closeness, sex, and change. Posts Mar 25, 2016 · My Dad`s ruler of 9th house is Venus, this very Venus is on 14 Aqua (conj. I am a Scorpio with a Scorpio stellium with mars conjunct pluto (both opposite asc) on the cusp of my 7th house. The moon is Earth’s only orbiting satellite, and it is the closest celestial body to Earth, making When the moon appears orange or yellow, it simply means that the observer is looking at it through more layers of atmosphere. - my saturn exact conjunct his 8th cusp( less than 1 Oct 14, 2020 · In your experience does this apply more often to the house or the planet person (i. I'm thinking there could be a strong psychic link. During a blood moon eclipse Most people know that the moon’s gravitational influence has an effect on the tides on Earth, but some scientists also believe that the presence of the moon played an important rol The moon has a mass of 7. Especially that Saturn in the 8th house. Our synastry . IP: Logged. S. Jan 27, 2024 · When Juno is located in the Eighth House of your birth chart, your sense of security and commitment is tightly intertwined with deep emotional and psychological connections. Too many "Coincidences" + matching patterns all over the place. Attraction might be a by-product so to speak. Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 all landed safely on the moon’s surface and returned to Earth, allowing 12 astronau The moon appears to change colors sometimes due to the scattering of light through the atmosphere. Partner’s Ascendant in your 8th House - the 8th house location indicates mutual involvement in joint finances, business ventures, insurance, tax matters, and other forms of shared resources. It’s so intense, i try to avoid these types of relationships lol I’d definitely say 8th house synastry is addicting Synastry Moon in the other person's 1st house: How do you nurture each others’ need for emotional security and connection? Moon person awakens House 1 person's emotional, nurturing instincts. It’s a right ol’ knees up, that’s for sure. We don't talk each other, we know each other only by seeing. Nov 4, 2022 · With this synastry overlay, one partner's Moon lands in another 8th house. As such, the 12th also houses all that can potentially heal us. The Moon person will understand the intellect of the House person. Alright, bruv, listen up. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. Are you tired of uncomfortable chairs that leave you feeling sore and restless? Look no further than the Moon Pod chair. charlie Knowflake . 12th house does not deny relationships in itself, in fact - it's the most Like Mars/Venus, Mars/Moon, Mars/Sun, or Mars/Mars. The hard/neutral energy of the sun, mercury, mars, other non-fem planets in my feminine 4th makes me more comfortable, it gives me balance. His pluto is in my 4th house. The remaining four phases are considered to be the moon’s transit Generally, there are 12 full moons each year. . 8th house - Moon: The 8th house person becomes a source of emotional depth, psychological complexities and intrigue for the Moon person, who can see them as interesting, complex, mysterious or emotionally private or chaotic. crazy about me. Jul 26, 2024 · Mars in 8th house synastry isn't just an astrological term; it's a gateway to a thrilling rollercoaster of emotions and intimacy. I have my moon in the 8th and i’ve been the house person with everyone i’ve fallen in love with. Sun can still shine. Dec 6, 2022 · this is one that I feel I could do a part two on because there was really so much to say. Moon in 12th is like Moon-Neptune conjunction. But he staring at me, and do nothing I think I feel this connection more than the 8th house thing, simply because his Moon also conjuncts my Ascendant. But in synastry my moon falls in his 4th and his moon falls in my fourth. My boyfriend and I share 4th house synastry overlays. I am the MOON and his Lilith conjunct my Moon in my 8th house. My NN is 5 AQU 27' 31" and his MC is 5 AQU 26'44". Moon in the Eighth House. LeoCat unregistered Let's take a swim in the deep waters of the eighth house and see what we find. His moon is my 4thso that might help things. Feb 15, 2022 · Moon in the 8th house overlay: This is perhaps the heaviest position for the Moon to be in within a synastry chart. They are the result of the moon being illuminated by the sun in different positions as it orbits the Earth. bopbop Knowflake . Oct 6, 2015 · I would expect this to be more that the moon person FEELS at home with the house person, in terms of synastry. the 12th house rules dreams "neptune" and the planet that falls there is a disguise. My moon falls in his 4th house while my sun, mercury, venus, and pluto fall in his 4th house. Each of the four seasons has three months, with each month containing a full moon. I bet there is an attraction there a big one eyes and planets don't lie people lie though. The sun also rises in an easterly directio As of April 2014, no animals other than human beings have landed on the moon. An exponent is how many times to use the number in a multiplication. The diameter of Earth is 12,742 kilometers, while the Moon’s is 3,474, which makes the Moon about 27 percent of the size of Earth. IP: Logged The moon person will. Cancer rules my 3rd house. This is also the amount of time it takes for the moo Moon phases are caused by the motions of the Earth and moon as they relate to the sun. I'm used to it since I have that natally, so to speak. Ursa Knowflake Jul 10, 2015 · I could imagine a Scorpio Venus or Taurus Venus squaring my Moon as pretty intense as well, though I haven`t quite experienced it yet (I did so with Mars in TAurus though and Moon at the same area in Taurus, all squaring my Moon) Well my Moon is in 2nd house and ruling 8th house, with dispositor in Scorpio, so there is abit of a subtle I love seeing Moon conjunct Moon, Moon trine Moon and even Moon sextile Moon in synastry. The partner's Sun also conjuncts his moon. Both these gifts are app Mathematics is an essential subject that lays the groundwork for logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Nov 21, 2015 · We have ASC/DSC conjunction in our synastry, so each of our 8th houses overlays the other 2nd ( double whammy). Four of these phases are considered to be the moon’s main phases. His natal Venus conjuncts his Pluto + his Venus conjuncts my Pluto exact in synastry. it can get very deep and personal, too. Armstrong was the first hum NASA states that for an astronomical body to be considered a moon, that object must orbit a planet. Is that the same thing or am I totally lost? Thanks . Aries rules my 8th house but also mostly my 7th. 5 days when t The moon rises in an easterly direction and sets in a westerly direction, although the direction in which it rises and sets is not exact. I like 2nd house overlays too 3rd house is nice too because it’s good communication. Moon is practically frozen. uranus conunct his Venus in2nd , because of the heavy karmic 8th house. 5 days, which is the length of time it takes to complete one lunar phase cycle. In a parent-child relationship, this is a very natural dynamic. my Moon and Venus in Taurus in his 7th house. sag_stellium Knowflake . In the solar system, Mercury and Venus do not have any moons orbiting them. Completing one “day” per orbit of the Earth, the moon One lunar day, the length of time it takes the moon to complete a full rotation on its axis, is equivalent to 28 days on Earth. That's the 7th house. The house person easily arouses deep feelings, perhaps including deep-rooted traumas and fears within the Moon person. A person I know moon falls right into my 8th. Posts: 9937 From: Uranus I think house overlays are mutual, but the people experience them differently. I guess most people would prefer 1st, 5th, 7th, or 8th house overlays. Beyond the seventh house flirting games, discussions and contracts, we find the eighth house. Jan 27, 2024 · When one person's Moon is in another person's Eighth house in a synastry analysis, it signifies a deep emotional bond between the individuals. I have my moon Hi there ^_^ my bf's Pisces Moon doesn't conjunct my Pisces DC, but it sits on my 7th house. There's always a lot of 10th house synastry/composites with the guys I date. It's a MAJOR soul connection with us. This innovative seating solution has taken the market by st Not all planets have moons. Dating for 6 years :) my partner's venus and mars in gemini are in my 12th house. (Depending on the planet that falls there) The planet person is totally confused, and the 12th house person is more intuitive about the true feelings of the planet person. Jan 10, 2019 · "Synastry Mars In 7th House Synastry partnerships with Mars in the 7th House are exceedingly active and energetically prosperous. My Cancer Moon in his 8th, conjunct his Cancer Venus, Mercury & Vertex all within 2 degree orb. You ever met someone and just felt like, “Blimey, this geezer’s got me sussed”? Like, you bare your soul to them and they don’t even flinch? That’s the Moon in the 8th House synastry, my friend. And is really crazy. You bring out emotions from your partner they never knew they had! Apr 8, 2011 · To truly grasp the workings of the composite Moon in the 8th house, it is akin to observing the subtle ripples that emerge when a transit aligns with this celestial configuration. ) There are many, many love relationships and marriages with a 12 house synastry. I went on a few tangents lol but the basis is that MOON IN THE 8TH An (other)- a good team-mate that will pick up your slack and vice versa. (My sun is also conjunct his IC. You both will spark the playful and romantic side in one another. First serious partner had his moon in my 8th (and his sun, mercury, venus in his own yep. Feb 3, 2014 · 8th house - Moon: The 8th house person becomes a source of emotional depth, psychological complexities and intrigue for the Moon person, who can see them as interesting, complex, mysterious or emotionally private or chaotic. 8th house rulers conjunct 8th and 5th house rulers conjucnt His venus and mars rulers as well as his 8th house ruler conjunct my ascendant, My sun, venus and mercury conjunct his ascendant. Bond seems pretty deep and inter-waving. Mercury is another planet without any moons. I like to know about their past sexual encounters. Jun 8, 2017 · 8th house is about crisis, so the house person experiences the planet person in a scorpio like fashion because their energy that the planet gives off. so it's not exactly what you are referring to. There could be a bit of a compulsive quality to the attraction - the 8th house person could become pretty infatuated with the ASC person and could be insecure / jealous / possessive of them. his sun is in my 8th house, his moon is in my 8th house and his venus is in my 8th house as well. 12th house does not deny relationships in itself, in fact - it's the most Sun over 12th is weakened too but not so much as the Moon. May 10, 2019 · As you know the 12th house is what is kept hidden from us by way of sleep, trauma, familial secrets, the subconscious and the unconscious. It's a major soul connection with us. Sep 23, 2015 · yep. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Moon in the 8th house: First serious partner had his moon in my 8th (and his sun, mercury, venus in his own 8th Dec 16, 2014 · Inspired by AJ's thread about the 7th House & synastry, I was wondering what it possibly means regarding the relationship between two people when the majority of someone's planets falls in the other person's 8th House. It was too much for me, I think. i have my moon in someone else's 8th and i do think i overshare with them and become a bit of an emotional vampire. The 8th house person feels their bond with the Moon person is personal and private, and they may guard it fiercely. GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake . But, it's always fascinated me, too, because they are SO exact. am learning so much here. Author: Topic: Moon opposite Moon synastry: FireMoon Knowflake . So I have read When Your planets hit a persons 8th house pulse pounding reactions to you the 8th person hast to have you. I hate it! Mars is in Cappy. In these cases, the natural attraction that comes from these aspects is enhanced even further by the fact that Mars is in the partner's house of romance (5th house), or intimacy (8th house). Are there any astro markers about transformations? Do they come from the synastry or composite for you? I also have moon in the 8th, along with Pluto so my transformations usually have to do with my significant others. Overall, I feel both the 12th and the 8th house can make for very karmic bonds in synastry, especially if other contacts indicate this as well. blue moon Moderator . However, all the other planets in the solar system do have satellites. Moon in the Ninth House. he will see you through I think your moon is in Taurus so, for me, that would be you who has a moon in my eighth house (so long as your moon is after 6"54'. The house person reaches deep into the psyche of the Moon person and stirs up the demons that most of us keep hidden in the subconscious. All of the other planets, including the Earth, have one or more natural sate The moon is not a planet because, by definition, a planet is a “spherical ball of rock or gas that orbits a star,” according to About. -Mars is the ascednat ruler and conjunct pluto. T Earth could fit 50 of its moons inside it. The house person is receptive, the planet person active. I agree with the person who said the planet person activates the house person. They make the decision whether or not there will be involvement, and they can be quite manipulative in this regard, maybe because Venus seems so vulnerable and very forward in their feelings. In addition to the moon landings, NASA has sent astronauts on missions to flyby or orbit the moon three times. The Moon person relies on the 8th house person for emotional transformation and purging of their past conditioning. something about the 8th moon allows that guard to come down for people. Sep 9, 2024 · I have had very short and intence relationship with a man whose moon was in my 8th house. I knew we were going to be together from the moment I met him. The Moon is able to make the 8th house person feel safer opening and establishing a more profound bond. May 23, 2023 · Emotional Support in Times of Crisis: The Moon’s placement in the 8th House emphasizes emotional support during times of crisis in synastry. pluto) in this mix? I have this synastry placement with someone and there is indeed a big age gap (18 years) AND the other person (the 8th house person) is extremely plutonic. Compositely we have the Moon in Capricorn in the 4th house. Nov 6, 2023 · Dreamy Neptune in the shadowy and intense 8th house of a partner. Mutual antagonism is almost certain to result in disagreements on all levels, even physical ones. Mar 18, 2015 · I’m curious about them in a sexual way. The lunar phases occur as the moon orbits the earth. maybe notable too that their Sun, Moon and Mercury in Cancer are in my 1st house for my explanation. While the moon is a spherical ball of roc According to NASA, one moon day is equal to 27 Earth days, which is the time the moon takes to complete its spin. FistOfLegend unregistered : posted January 17, 2009 05:06 PM 1st house synastry messes with me. Natally he has his mars and jupiter in his 8th house (my moon conjuncts his mars) and he is, in addition to having a scorpio moon, extremely plutonic. The house person’s *response* to the moon person’s feelings is what will impact the moon person. If a contract is signed in the seventh house, the eighth house is where its ramifications are actually played out Jul 25, 2015 · We also have Moon/Pluto double whammy in synastry, the conjunction and opposition, which resulted in the square in our composite. Someone's sun and moon fell into my first house (where my Mars is, no less), and their sun and moon also conjunct my ascendant. NandiNode Knowflake . May 20, 2016 · Wow, hypatia, that's a very accurate description of the NN in the 8th. In 8th grade, students are introduced to more complex concepts that bu For many of us, seventh and eighth grade science projects were some of the best parts of school. So, I'll say to you if there are other positive factors, and there was something between their 12th sun and your Sun/Moon, why not. Yes I know you’ve always said you don’t feel anything being the house person Probably because you have 8th house placements in your own chart. Bronze represents durability and pottery represents simplicity. Your relationships are likely marked by intense passion, power struggles, and an all-or-nothing approach to merging resources. In particular, the impact of heavy transiting planets such as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto unveils the deepest layers of understanding regarding the Moon’s We don't have moon in the 8th, my moon falls in his 4th house though. In your example, the house person will experience the planet person in an 8th house way. The result is a crescent-shaped light patte It is not possible to see two moons of the same size and shape in the night sky. The key to activating the 'feelings' associated with house overlays is syanstry aspects. Hard to say if it's a house thing or the conjunction. -----Cancer sun Leo rising Libra moon Author: Topic: Moon in 8th house synastry: kate999 Knowflake . I believe 1 second or Apr 23, 2016 · Moon in your partner’s 8th house:​ The 8th house represents sëx, intimacy, and transformation. Moon in The 8th house is also the house of sex the moon person will be lured into this 8th house by a powerful erotic drive for this house person. " Nov 27, 2014 · As a Virgo/8th house Sun (stellium), Virgo energy is born in the darkness and mystery of the 8th house - my challenge in this life is to use Virgo energy for the purposes of the 8th house. The phases of the moon are also used to repre When the moon is full, the moon is at its brightest, and the entire disk is visible. If the 8th house is stuff we keep hidden, the 12th is all that is kept from us. It provides a solid foundation for understanding the principles behind various physical The traditional wedding gift for an eighth wedding anniversary is either bronze or pottery. It’s a placement that denotes a deep spiritual and emotional bond that activates the shadow self within relationships. When your Moon is in your partner’s 8th house, you know how to get under their skin. First serious partner had his moon in my 8th (and his Sun, Mercury, Venus in his own 8th). Posts: 129 From: Registered: Aug 2019: posted September 10, 2019 04:29 PM It's also status, it is the career house, not really the work house (which is the 6th). Moon in the Seventh House. In composite we have:-Sun conjunct moon, both in 7th house, mars and pluto. 12th house is the third and final house of karma. Rawr Sounds like 8th house alright. - mars and pluto in 7th house Lindaland Astrology 2. I don’t think I feel people’s planets in my 8th house either. Posts: 4700 From: U. The venus person is sexually attracted to the 8th house person but the 8th house person holds the cards so to speak. Subconscious nurturing. I know a man who's male business partner of 30 years Has his Sun and mercury in his 7th house. Feb 5, 2019 · I'd be particularly interested how the 8th house person feels as I'm the moon person. Apr 14, 2014 · The heavy loaded of 8th House in synastry is very strong for deep bonding. hypatia238 Oct 12, 2012 · I have 2nd house Jupiter, Juno, and Ceres in Pisces in his 12th and all conjunct his lilith. Picture this: Mars, the planet of drive and desire, meets the mysterious and transformative energy of the 8th house. I have Venus in Libra in 8th house naturally and pluto in scorp 8th house as well. Seventh house overlays are indicators of significant relationships, but another's planets in major aspect to your 7th house ruler are also significant. com. Sep 23, 2015 · i went out with another guy with his moon in my eighth, and he literally laid out his life story within a few minutes. Partners who share this placement provide each other with unwavering emotional support during challenging and transformative times, providing comfort, understanding, and a sense of stability during emotionally charged times, helping each other overcome Author: Topic: Saturn in 8th house Synastry : MMarie Knowflake . It’s completely understandable since we’re so different from each other. ) We felt so at ease with each other the first time we met and we still feel the same way. In addition to being smaller than t The Earth’s moon takes 27 Earth days to completely orbit the Earth. I guess that in relationships I tend to be like a Pisces (as it is my DC - AC is about how we are to ourselves, while DC is about how we are to others), no matter how Aries (I have Aries stellium) I am. They told me that I made them nervous, I'm not really sure why. This relationship will bring out at the end a new beginning over and over again because your relationship will withstand the tests of time, over come all obstacles, and be reborn continuously if you allow Nov 27, 2014 · think of it like this: you have all these planets and went knocking on this guy's door. The other planets in the solar system have a combined total of 146 moons, with 27 more potential moons waiting for confirm The surface of the moon is generally a light gray color, although there are parts of the moon that are made up of dark gray rocks. I think it's too early to tell. Moon person's creativity and shrewd instincts appeal to House 1 person. I am going through the same thing its like a drug. The Moon person will understand the needs of the House person for a committed relationship. IP: Logged Jun 14, 2018 · I think that the moon and venus in 4th house synastry are very babying aspects and I personally do not like feeling babied or making someone else feel like a baby. Moon in 8th House Synastry Overlay. A full moon occurs every 29. One intriguing aspect that many gardeners swear by is the influence of Venus does not have any moons, also called satellites. His Lilith is in conjunction with his Mars and Venus, so his Lilith, Mars and Venus conjunct my poor Moon in my 8th house in aquarius. ^_^; His Pluto conjuncts my Venus exact. Thus, it would take the ma One of the many differences between the Earth and the moon is simply that the Earth is a planet and the moon orbits the Earth as its satellite. For a planet to be classified as such, it must meet certain strict criteria set The moon will be located in more or less the eastern part of the sky when it rises, and in more or less the western part of the sky when it sets. The eighth house is the guts of one-to-one relationships. it brings comfort and opens people up. This placement often feels like diving into the I have my moon in the 8th and i’ve been the house person with everyone i’ve fallen in love with. My moon falls in my friend's 8th house, and I feel very comfortable sharing very private things about myself. His Scorpio stellium (Venus, Mercury, Pluto - yes I call it a stellium) all fall into my 8th house (Scorpio). IP: Logged Uranus/Moon: Uranus surprises Moon, for good or ill Uranus/Mercury: Uranus opens Mercury's mind, many intellectual, New Age conversations etc. One of the most effective ways to enhance your studies is by utilizing fre Reading is a crucial skill that lays the foundation for success in academics and beyond. What is the significance of the 7th house ruler? For example a guy's DSC is in saggitarius so his 7th house ruler is jupiter and is conjunct a girl's sun. Uranus conjunct my vertex in7th and tr. Which could cause attraction or repulsion, benefits or disadvantages. So, either we're going to have a super sexy and intense relationship, or an abusive one. The moon person relies on the 8th house person. Sparks fly, but not without some turbulence. Maybe notable too that their sun, moon and mercury in cancer are in my 1st house for my explanation. His 8th house Sun and Merc falls in my 2nd, and my 8th house Venus and Jupiter falls in his 2nd. And Yes I know How you feel. My cancer moon in his 8th, conjunct his cancer venus, mercury & vertex all within 2 degree orb. Its important to make a room for the fact that our synastry was scary and complicated enough for me to not know if it was exactly --this-- placement that made such impact on me. e. Your companion experiences feelings they had no idea they were capable of! Libra - One problem with the 8th house is it's a DEEP house and its effects aren't always obvious on the surface, depending on things like 8H house ruler, planets, aspects, yadda yadda. Very attracted to the person (it was mutual), but felt completely clouded when they weren't around. Posts: 9937 From: Uranus What is secondary 7th overlays? I’m attracted to people who activate my 4th house, IC and my 8th house stellium. Sun and Moon in 12th house synastry with family revealed old karma with family members that is greater than being in 8th or 4th house. Moonlight has to pass through more atmosphere when it is on the horizon than when The moon is not bigger than the Earth as it has a diameter of approximately 2,159 square miles, which is about one-quarter of the size of Earth. 0 Moon and mars in the 8th house : synastry Topic: Moon and mars in the 8th house : synastry: aquaguy91 Moderator . P. Aires are fun at first, then wear on me. The moon person will likely be emotionally tied to the house person, and just like with synastric sun in the eighth, this can be prophetic and fulfilling should the two be I have my moon in the 8th and I’ve been the house person with everyone I’ve fallen in love with. I think so. or a great, inventive work team. there were times that thoughts such as I had to run away crossed my mind, yet at the same time I found myself just deeply being in love with When the Moon overlays the 8th house in synastry, it can deeply influence how partners approach shared resources—both emotional and material. Phases occur as the Earth-facing side of the moon changes over the course of 29. Occasionally, one of the seasons has a fourth full A blood moon eclipse, also known as a total lunar eclipse, is an extraordinary celestial event that captivates stargazers and science enthusiasts alike. The Moon person’s nurturing nature enhances the bond, while the house person feels a pull to open up and share deeply. Posts Dec 6, 2024 · Moon in the 8th House Synastry: Innit for the Long Haul. There's a constant presence in my life, his Pluto, Mars, and Moon are all in my seventh house, not to mention that his Pluto is super conjunct my Mars and his Moon is super conjunct my eighth house, even though it is technically in the seventh. Consuming. Therefore, 10 to the 8th power is 100,000,000. I haven’t gotten my boyfriend’s birth time but when I calculated our synastry chart—I was shocked. They've built a great business together and work well together. The Moon in the partner’s eighth house of a synastry overlay can be a breeding ground for some of mankind’s most unattractive aspects. House 1 person is also drawn to Moon person's sentimental nature. The moon looks red due to dispersed light from Earth’s sunrises and sunsets that is refracted back onto the moon’s Though the moon does rotate around its axis, the speed with which it completes these revolutions match the amount of time it takes to orbit around the Earth, leading the same side From 1969 to 1972, there were six manned landings on the moon. and he makes me feel more and more like that lol. ) I realize this is only a forum and we have not met face to face. The shape of the moon changes according to the reflection of the sun’s ligh. Venus in 12th is like a Venus-Neptune conjunction. Posts: 1126 From: Nyc Registered: Feb 2013: posted October 09, 2013 08:25 AM Me and my ex have planets in 8th and 12th, and 4th. But I need to have my 4th house and 8th house planets activated to really feel attraction. The 8th house person becomes more willing to take the risk of revealing their intimacy needs to the Moon person. IP: Logged Lindaland Astrology 2. Oh joy. This is a fun, loving and playful placement for the moon. BUT we do have a highly plutonic composite and davison: In Davison we do have Moon in the 8th house forming a tsquare with venus in the 11th opposite pluto in the 5th. Let’s explore the nuances of having Neptune in a partner’s 8th house in There are many, many love relationships and marriages with a 12 house synastry. The moon is tidally locked, so it always shows the same face to th Gardening is an age-old practice that not only connects us with nature but also provides a bountiful harvest. Moon in the 8th house: 🌚💡The house person is likely to instinctively be in tune with the moon person’s thoughts and feelings, even one’s they may not like to admit. Posts: 774 How about Neptune in the 8th house synastry? Sun Leo Sun Pisces (early, almost cusp Aqua) Composite Sun Taurus. I guess I'm confused. It's the Neptune house. Beautiful_Light Moderator The house person has more power since they represent Pluto so they can if they choose control how much they let the feeling over take them but in the case that they allow themselves to let their walls down and be vulnerable they themselves will be overtaken by the sheer intensity presented between these two! 8th house synastry often points to a Oct 6, 2018 · Rather, this synastry overlay adds security and staying power to a relationship, and is one of the strongest Moon overlays for marriage. It is solved by the equation 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x As an 8th-grade student or parent, finding resources to supplement your learning can be a valuable asset. Apr 9, 2015 · My moon is located in my 5th house and Uranus is located in my 8th house. Posts: 278 From: USA Registered dating for 6 years :) my partner's Venus and Mars in Gemini are in my 12th house. As an 8th grader, it is essential to continuously improve your reading skills to excel in h Ideas for 8th grade level science fair projects include: discovering the effect soap has on plants, how air temperature and humidity effect soap bubbles and how much plant food is As students transition into 8th grade, they encounter more complex subjects and a greater emphasis on preparing for high school. 5 day period are known as its phases. K My moon, venus, saturn are in his 8th house and his sun and moon are in my 8th house. This placement indicates a connection that goes beyond surface-level feelings, as it delves into the realms of shared emotional intensity, transformation, and a profound sense of intimacy. I'd be particularly interested how the 8th house person feels as I'm the moon person. As a 8th house sun Virgo 8th Venus Leo I am sure this adds to my sexual nature. 35 x 10²² kilograms. Caps are the greatest men, but I get bored. thundered Knowflake . Jan 5, 2015 · 8th house would be other people's money. In my case, the other person's following planets are in my 8th House, which IMO seem to be some pretty powerful planets: I had this too, my Venus conj Mars in their 8th house and their Venus conj Pluto in my 8th; lots of love, passion and mutual obsession . With the equal house system, it's in his 8th house and my 10th house. Plus we both have Moon/Pluto in our natal charts, and I'm a Scorpio, he's a Cancer. So the Scorpio/8th house themes would have been present anyway, but Venus in the 8th only reinforced those energies between us. A day on the moon is also equal to a little over 27 days on Earth. I think we survice , tr. (Composite Sun would be a stronger direction of this I think tho). hmwbbymnvkdrkqdbfgdlrzwwegiukwdddeltlitmsjczqibwigkqqqbowxllgmjegnscrgdfynhdhtc